Monday, May 31, 2010

Too Good For Facebook Bullshit

Seriously? Quit Facebook? Will people ever stop being so dumb? If you don’t want anyone to know your personal information like your phone number or address then DON’T PUT THEM ON YOUR FACEBOOK. Don’t want people to know your relationship status or your sexual or political or religious orientation….wait for it….DON’T PUT THEM ON FACEBOOK.

And yes, anyone could call you and invite you to whatever event they’re planning because you’re too much of an elitest snob to be on FB. Really? You’re not that important and neither is your information. Instead you’re going to be That Guy who is too good for it? Nice. I can’t wait to be friends with YOU.

Facebook isn’t just about keeping in touch with old friends but about making new ones. Are you not into that either? Learning about new groups and businesses and PEOPLE. If you don’t want to be friends with the assholes from high school DON’T FRIEND THEM. See how simple that is? Hate your family? DON’T FRIEND THEM. Don’t like what someone is posting? Put them on IGNORE or DEFRIEND THEM. This ain’t rocket science, people.

I’m an actor and artistic type who is also a movie buff and a scifi nerd. Facebook helps me meet other actors and directors, other theatre and film companies, stay on top of great shows and be able to tell all of my friends about them all in one fell swoop. What the hell is so horrible about that? I’ve discovered great boutiques and artists, funny t-shirt companies, great geeky websites…what a horrible place Facebook must be! Damn you for all this wonderful information and the opportunity to meet people who like the same stuff as me! DAMN YOU!!!!

Not wanting a FB page says to me that you also obviously have nothing interesting to contribute to the world, either. No opinions on, well anything. No interest in sharing anything with anyone, not interested in knowing anything about anyone else’s lives. Exclaiming to the world that you’re too good for Facebook doesn’t make you look cool or hip or with it. It proves that you’re just an elitest snob who thinks far too much of yourself. You’re dangerously disproportionately self involved - pull your head out your ass.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hopper: My Complicated Relationship with James Dean

Hopper: My Complicated Relationship with James Dean

Hopper told me he thought he was “the best young actor around” until he saw Dean on the set of “Rebel. He told Dean: “I don’t have a clue what you are doing, but I know how great you are. What should I do? Should I stop my contract [at Warner Bros.] and go study with Lee Strasberg in New York?”

Dean took him aside and gave him advice: “He said you have got to start doing things and not showing them. He said don’t have any preconceived ideas about how the scene is going to play. Just go on a moment-to-moment reality level, and don’t presuppose anything.”

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Traffic Survival School: Surviving The People

There's always at least one person in these classes who can't shut up about how much they don't want to be there. More so than that it's their insistence that they are far more inconvenienced and important than you and therefore their time is far more valuable than yours. "I hate wasting my time." Because the rest of us don't? Because everyone else here is just SO excited and enthralled with the prospect? Your time is no more important or special than anyone else’s, sweetie. Hate to break it to you. If you don't take this class then your license is suspended so maybe it IS worth your time. And maybe if you hadn't gotten a bazillion speeding tickets, a DUI, and then totaled your car, you wouldn't be in this class to begin with. So don't act like you're so superior to everyone else in here that made some stupid driving mistake.

It's also supremely enjoyable to have you sit a few chairs away from me and decide you need to call your coworkers to check on work stuff and forget how to use a reasonable phone voice. Then proceed to tell them you're "stuck sitting in the front row" and please call a few people and tell them all the same thing. Loudly. Please don't step outside or in the other room to make these calls, please, please, PLEASE make them loudly in front of all of us because we're all so very interested in your incredibly mentally stimulating job in sales with Express Flooring.

Then, please rush through the GROUP survey and then proceed to finish all four of the quizzes while commenting, "If we get all this done we can LEAVE. I hate wasting my time." Hate to break it to you honey, but we're here until 10. It also says in huge bold letters across every paper they give us to NOT ASK ABOUT LEAVING EARLY. If they said 6-10 they don't mean we can leave at 8. And please keep your Blackberry on and sneak looks at it while we're in class despite the fact that it's completely obvious and obnoxious. Oh wait, I forgot. You're so much more important than the rest of us. When we get a break please say loudly that now you can send some emails. Because no one else in class in inconvenienced by having to be here, just you. No one else had other things they'd rather be doing, just you. Silly me. Really, all you're doing is irritating the shit out of everyone else by concentrating, out loud, on how much you don't want to be here. You just sound like a pretentious, stuck up snot.

And please ask asinine questions. For instance when someone mentions the ticket you can get for flicking a cigarette butt out your window while driving, ask,” What are you supposed to do with them? Put them out in your car?" That IS what they make ashtrays in cars for. And if you don't want your car to smell like smoke maybe you shouldn't smoke in it. And if you don't like the smell of smoke on you then maybe you shouldn't smoke. Just throwing that out there.

Please just shut up and we'll all get through this and be back out on the roads to cut each other off like normal people.